Chamomile, German Blue Essential Oil

Blue Chamomile oil has a sweet, herbal, and slightly fruity aroma. The dry out notes are warm and pleasant like sweet tobacco. Blue Chamomile oil is a very popular ingredient in cosmetics, natural skincare products, and aromatherapy blends.


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Medicinal, warm aroma. Excellent anti-inflammatory properties reducing pain and inflammation, soothing. Good for inflamed, red skin. Useful addition to facial care and massage oils. Use for rheumatoid arthritis, arteriosclerosis, insomnia, nervous tension, carpal tunnel syndrome, skin problems (acne, eczema, scar tissue), hepatitis/fatty liver. Promotes digestion, liver and gallbladder health. Also anti-tumoral.*

Chamomile, German (blue), Bulgaria

This essential oil was distilled often in Germany from Hungarian raw materials which may explain the term "German" Chamomile. The unique soil and climate of Bulgaria is known for imparting many of the finest nuances in the Industry (i.e. Lavender, Rose).

The reason for the deep beautiful blue hue is the natural constituent, a hydrocarbon; chamazulene. It is widely believed this constituent does not affect the aroma.

The odor is intensely sweet, coumarin-like, herbal and slightly fruity. The dry out notes are warm and pleasant like sweet tobacco.

The health benefits of chamomile essential oil can be attributed to its properties anti spasmodic, anti-septic, anti-biotic, anti-depressant, anti-neuralgic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, cholagogue, cicatrisant, emmenagogue, analgesic, febrifuge, hepatic, sedative, nervine, digestive, tonic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, sudorific, stomachic, anti-infectious, vermifuge, vulnerary, etc.

The German Chamomile oil is composed of Azulene (here called Chamazulene, since found in Chamomile), Alpha Bisabolol, Bisabolol Oxide-A & B and Bisabolene Oxide-A. German Chamomile is a very powerful anti-inflammatory due to presence of the compound called Azulene (It is a nitrogenous compound and is responsible for giving it a characteristic deep blue color).

The properties given below include those of the Roman as well as the German variety, except where mentioned otherwise.

* Antiseptic, Anti-biotic, Disinfectant, Bactericidal & Vermifuge: They have very good antiseptic and anti-biotic properties and do not let biotic infections (infections due to biotic factors such as bacteria, fungi etc.) develop. They also wipe off infections already present. These are good vermifuge too and kill all sorts of intestinal worms. If applied on hair, it kills lice and mites, keeping hair and scalp free from infections and damage.
* Stimulant & Anti-Depressant: Both the varieties have been seen very effective in fighting depression and for raising spirit. They eliminate feeling of sadness, depression, disappointment, sluggishness etc. and induce a sort of happy or charged feeling. Even smelling these oils can help a lot overcoming depression and bring about good mood.
* Anti-Inflammatory & Sedative: Roman Chamomile is found effective in calming down annoyance, anger and irritation, particularly in small children. The German variety, on the other hand, is found more effective on adults for curing inflammations, particularly those in digestive and urinary system. They also reduce blood pressure and check swelling of the blood vessels.
* Analgesic & Anti Neuralgic: They have analgesic properties and efficiently reduce pain in muscles and joints, headache, sinus, toothache, bone injuries etc. They are also very effective in giving relief in the severe pain of Neuralgia by constricting the blood vessels surrounding the Ninth Cranial Nerve and relieving pressure on it.
* Stomachic, Digestive and Hepatic & Cholagogue: Being stomachic, they tone up stomach and set it to proper function. They promote secretion of digestive juices into stomach and facilitate digestion. They also promote digestion. Being Hepatic (meaning good for liver), they ensure good health of liver and proper flow of bile from it. They are also Cholagogue, meaning they increase secretion of Hydrochloric Acid, bile and enzymes in stomach, thereby promoting digestion.
* Anti-Rheumatic & Anti-Phlogistic (anti-inflammatory): They cure dysfunctions of the circulatory system, stimulate circulation and detoxify the blood of toxins like uric acid, thereby helping cure ailments like Rheumatism, Arthritis etc. which are caused due to improper circulation and accumulation of uric. These make them good anti-inflammatories, the agents which reduce swelling and edema.
* Anti-Spasmodic, Relaxant & Nervine: They calm all nervous disturbances or hyper-reactions which result in convulsions, spasms, nervousness, loss of control over limbs etc. They are Nervine, that is, keep the nerves and the nervous system in a state of good health and proper functioning.
* Cicatrisant & Vulnerary: They are very popular in the world of cosmetics, as they diminish the scars, marks and spots on the skin and on the face (being a Cicatrisant) and also protect wounds, cuts and bruises from getting infected, thus serving as a Vulnerary.
* Sudorific & Febrifuge: They induce profuse perspiration (being Sudorific), thus removing toxins and agents causing infections and cooling down the body, effectively giving relief in fever, thus serving as a Febrifuge.
* Carminative: Expel gas from the intestines and stomach and also check gas formation. This also helps relax the body and lower blood pressure. It also ends the chances of other risks from gas, such as trapping of gas in the windpipe etc.
* Tonic: They are tonic in nature, i.e. they tone up skin, muscles, internal organs etc.
* Other Benefits: They are anti allergenic, help cure acne by removing toxins and cleaning Sebaceous and Eccrine glands through sweating, clean up the urinary system and the kidneys through increased urination (being diuretic), detoxify blood and increase strength as they are also fortifying in nature. They can help cure viral infections like mumps, measles etc. Can be used in mouth wash too, to keep away bad breath and eliminate oral infections. German Chamomile oil is a vasoconstrictor.

Few Words of Caution: No specific threats noticed, except that it should be avoided if someone has allergies with it or with any other member of Ragweed Family, to which Chamomile belongs.

Blending: Chamomile Oil forms blends with Bergamot, Clary Sage, Lavender, Jasmine, Geranium, Grapefruit, Tea Tree, Rose, Lemon, Lime and Ylang-Ylang Oil.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This information has been designed to provide information to help educate the reader in regard to the subject matter covered. The product is sold with the understanding that the seller is not liable for the misconception or misuse of the information provided. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body. The seller shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained on this sheet. The information presented here is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult a qualified health care professional.

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