Dilution Chart

The following dilution chart displays the important safety data for each of the single essential oils.

Essential OilDilution
AngelicaDilute 1:1, (GRAS), D, DS, FA, P, PH
AniseDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, CS
BasilDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, CH, DS, E*, P*, SI
BergamotDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, CH*, CS*, PH*, SI
BenzoinSee Onycha
BirchDilute 1:1, E*, P*
Blue CypressNEAT
CajeputDilute 1:1, (FA/FL), SI
CalamusDilute 1:4, SI, P*, CH*
CarawayDilute 1:1, (GRAS), CS, SI, P*
CardamomDilute 1:1, (GRAS) FA, DS, SI
Carrot SeedDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS
CassiaDilute 1:4, (GRAS), FA, DS, CH, CS*, P, SI*
Cedar, Western RedDilute 1:1, SI
Cedar Leaf (Thuja)Dilute 1:1
Cedarwood, AtlasNEAT, P
Celery SeedDilute 1:1, (GRAS), CS, DS, SI, P
Chamomile (German/Blue)NEAT, (GRAS), FA, DS, P, SI
Chamomile (Roman)NEAT, (GRAS), DS, FA, SI
Cinnamon BarkDilute 1:4, DS, FA, CH, CS*, P*, SI*
Cinnamon LeafDilute 1:4, CS*, P*, SI*
Cistus (Rock Rose, Rose of Sharon)NEAT, (FA/FL), P
CitronellaDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, CS*, P, SI
Citrus Hystrix / Combava / Kaffir LimeDilute 1:1, DS, SI, PH, CH
Clary SageDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, A, P
Clove (Clove Bud)Dilute 1:4, (GRAS), AC, CS*, DS, FA, P, SI*
CorianderDilute 1:1, (GRAS), DS, FA, ST
CuminDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, P, PH*, SI
CypressDilute 1:1, P
Cypress, BlueNEAT
DavanaDilute 1:1, (FA/FL), P
DillDilute 1:1, (GRAS), DS, FA, E
ErigeronDilute 1:1
ElemiNEAT, (FA/FL)
Eucalyptus globulusDilute 1:1, (FA/FL), DS
Eucalyptus citriodoraDilute 1:1, CS
Eucalyptus divesDilute 1:1, SI, P
Eucalyptus polybracteaDilute 1:1
Eucalyptus radiataDilute 1:1
Eucalyptus staigerianaDilute 1:1
FennelDilute 1:1, (GRAS), DS, FA, CS, E, P
FirDilute 1:1, (FA/FL), SI
Fir, Balsam (Idaho Balsam Fir)Dilute 1:1, (FA/FL), DS, SI
Fir, DouglasDilute 1:1, SI
Fir, RedDilute 1:1, SI
Fir, WhiteDilute 1:1, SI
Fleabane (erigeron)Dilute 1:1
Frankincense (Olibanum) – all typesNEAT, (FA/FL), DS
GalbanumNEAT, (FA/FL), DS
GeraniumNEAT, (GRAS), (FA/FL), DS, CS
Geranium, RoseDilute 1:1, CS
GingerDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, AC, CS, PH
GoldenrodDilute 1:1, DS
GrapefruitDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS
Helichrysum (Immortelle)NEAT, (GRAS), FA, DS
HyssopDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, E*, HBP*, P*
Jasmine (absolute)NEAT
Kaffir LimeDilute 1:1, DS, SI, PH, CH
JuniperberryDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, SI
Laurel Leaf (Laurus nobilis, Bay Laurel)Dilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, SI, CS, P*
LavandinDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, E, P*
LavenderNEAT, FA, DS
LemonDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, PH*, SI*
LemongrassDilute 1:4, (GRAS), FA, DS, CH, SI*
LimeDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, PH*
Limette (Combava)Dilute 1:1, PH*
MandarinDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, PH
ManukaDilute 1:1
MarjoramDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, P
Melaleuca (Tea Tree)Dilute 1:1, (FA/FL), CS
Melaleuca ericafolia (Rosalina)Dilute 1:1, (FA/FL)
Melaleuca quinquenervia (MQV Niaouli)Dilute 1:1 (FA/FL), CS
Melissa (Lemon Balm, True Melissa)NEAT, (GRAS) FA, DS
Mountain SavoryDilute 1:4, (GRAS), FA, DS, CH, P*, SI*
MugwortDilute 1:1, FA, DS, CH, P*
MyrrhNEAT, (FA/FL), DS, P
MyrtleDilute 1:1, FA, FL, DS
Myrtle, LemonDilute 1:4, CS, SI
Niaouli (MQV)Dilute 1:1
NeroliDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS
OcateaDilute 1:4
NutmegDilute 1:2, (GRAS), FA, DS, CH*, E*, P, SI
Onycha (Styrax benzoin)Dilute 1:1, (FA/FL)
OrangeDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, PH*
OreganoDilute 1:4, (GRAS), Fa, DS, SI*
PalmarosaDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS
Palo SantoNo Current Information
PatchouliNEAT, (FA/FL), DS
Pepper, BlackDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, SI*
Pepper, PinkDilute 1:1, (GRAS), P*
PeppermintDilute 1:2, (GRAS), FA, DS, CH*, CS, HBP, P, SI*
PetitgrainDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS
PineDilute 1:1, (FA/FL), DS, SI
Pine, BlackDilute 1:1, (FA/FL), DS, SI
Pine, Lodge PoleDilute 1:1, (FA/FL), DS, SI
Pine, PinonDilute 1:1, (FA/FL), DS, SI
Pine, Ponderosa (Yellow Pine)Dilute 1:1, (FA/FL), DS, SI
Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica)Dilute 1:1
RosalinaDilute 1:1, (FA/FL)
RavintsaraDilute 1:1
Rose OttoNEAT, (GRAS), FA, DS, P
RosehipNEAT, (GRAS)
Rosemary (cineol)Dilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, CH*, E*, HBP*, P*
Rosemary verbenonDilute 1:1, (GRAS), E*, HBP, P
RosewoodNEAT, (GRAS)
Sage (Sage Dalmation)Dilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, CH*, E*, HBP*, P*
Sage, Spanish (Sage Lavender)Dilute 1:1, (GRAS)
SandalwoodNEAT, (FA/FL), DS
SpearmintDilute 1:2, (GRAS),FA, DS, CH*, SI P
SpruceDilute 1:1, (FA/FL), DS, SI
Spruce, Black (Tsuga)Dilute 1:1, (FA/FL), SI*
Spruce, Colorado BlueDilute 1:1
TangerineDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, SI, PH
Tansy, BlueDilute 1:1
Tansy, IdahoDilute 1:1, E*, P*, CH*
Tea TreeDilute 1:1, (FA/FL), CS
ThujaDilute 1:1
TarragonDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, CH*, E*, P*
ThymeDilute 1:4, (GRAS), HBP
Thyme linalolDilute 1:2, (GRAS)
Thyme, Red (ct. thymol)Dilute 1:4, (GRAS), FA, DS, CH, HBP
Tsugasee Spruce, Black
Valerian (root)NEAT, (FA/FL), DS, CS
VetiverNEAT, FA, FL, DS, P
White LotusDilute 1:1
WintergreenDilute 1:2, AC, CH*, E*, P*
YarrowDilute 1:1, CS, P
Ylang YlangDilute 1:1, (GRAS), FA, DS, CS
Essential OilDilution

Safety Data Legend:

Dilution ratios shown equal Essential Oil : Carrier (Vegetable) Oil

View Safety Data Legend
A Avoid during and after consumption of alcohol
AC Anit-coagulant – May enhance the effects of blood thinners; avoid using with Aspirin heparin, Warfarin, etc.
CH Do not use on children younger than 18 months of age
CH* Do not use on children younger than 5 years of age
CS Could possibly result in contact sensitization (redness or irritation of the skin due to repeated application of a substance) (rotate or use different oils)
CS* Repeated use can result in extreme contact sensitization (rotate between different oils)
D Avoid if diabetic
DS Dietary Supplement
E Use with caution if susceptible to epilepsy (use only small amounts or in dilution)
E* Avoid if susceptible to epilepsy (can trigger a seizure)
FA Food additive
FL Flavoring agent
GRAS Generally regarded as safe
HBP Use with caution if dealing with high blood pressure (small amounts)
HBP* Avoid if dealing with high blood pressure
P Use with caution during pregnancy (use only small amounts or in dilution)
P* Avoid during pregnancy
PH Photo-sensitivity – direct exposure to sunlight after use could cause dermatitis (test first)
PH* Extreme Photo-sensitivity – direct exposure to sunlight after use can cause severe dermatitis (avoid exposing affected area of skin to direct sunlight for 12 hours)
SI Could possibly result in skin irritation (dilution may be necessary)
SI* Can cause extreme skin irritation (dilution highly recommended)
ST Can cause stupification in high doses (use only small amounts or in dilution)

Please Note: Dilution Chart information has been compiled from books written by authors Connie and Alan Higley; D. Gary Young, ND; Essential Science Publishing; and Valerie Ann Worwood. When conflicting information was present, I chose the most conservative information for the safest possible application. Still, understand that you are using each essential oil at your own risk, even with the safety information given above. Try only small amounts the first application, watching for adverse reactions.