Celery Seed Essential Oil

Celery Seed oil has a spicy, sweet, and rich aroma. Blenders often find that Celery Seed oil blends well in oriental compositions and lavenders, while also providing warm notes in floral fragrances and blends.


SKU: ApiGra2 Category:

Celery Seed Oil's aroma is spicy-warm, sweet and rich, "soup-like" tenacious and powerful.

Used with skill, it can provide warm notes in floral fragrances and potpourri. It blends well in oriental compositions, and lavender blends. However, it must be used with kid gloves in blending because the aroma is quite powerful.

From a scientific standpoint the most important naturally occurring components are probably Sedanolide and Sedanolic Acid Anhydride even though they account for one percent or less. Arguably they are the strongest factors in the oil's aroma. Other constituents include the monoterpene, d-limonene and the sesquiterpene, selinene.

Be advised, the seed produces the best oil because of the content of these main constituents.

The essential oil and oleoresin of celery seed are used as a flavoring or fragrance in liqueurs, perfumes, and cosmetics, such as soaps, creams, and lotions. Large amounts of the volatile oil can produce sedation and irritation that may be responsible for attributed antispasmodic properties.

Historically, celery seed was used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat colds, flu, bloating, poor digestion, arthritis, and certain diseases of the liver and spleen. It is not utilized often in modern herbal medicine. When it is used, it's primary purpose is as a diuretic to remove excess water from the body and decrease swelling and bloating. Rarely, it may be suggested for treating arthritis and gout, and to help reduce muscle spasms and inflammation, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Peptic Ulcers

The University of Maryland Medical Center states that celery has flavonoids that may reduce the growth of a bacteria called H. Pylori. H. Pylori is known to be the causative agent in most cases of peptic ulcers. Celery is not a stand-alone treatment for ulcers but it can be added to a therapeutic plan to assist with reducing bacterial growth in the stomach (SIBO).

Chronic Lung Disease:

Eating celery, among other foods listed will reduce the amount of mucous production in cystic fibrosis, or CF, and other lung diseases. The University of Maryland Medical Center lists celery as beneficial in reducing thick mucus in CF patients. CF is a serious, chronic and progressive disease, so this is not meant as a treatment. Celery may assist in reducing symptoms and complications.


The "Journal of Food Protection" in 2001 evaluated the effects of several essential oils on bacterial growth. The author, M. Elgayyar, found that celery seed oil inhibited some growth of bacteria. It was not the most effective against bacterial growth, but it fell in the middle for effectiveness of the group tested. Further study is warranted to assess whether celery seed oil can be used as a food preservative or as an adjunct to traditional antibiotic therapy.

Long recognized as helpful in digestion, celery seed oil is useful for liver cleansing and urinary tract issues. It is also said to increase mild flow in nursing mothers. Celery Seed oil is a liver protector. Use for arthritis, rheumatism, digestive problems, liver problems/hepatitis.

Caution: Avoid during pregnancy.

Can be applied topically (NEAT) without diluting.

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SKU: ApiGra2 Category: