CXVRM3 Micro (Anti-Parasitic)

This herbal combination supports the body’s normal and beneficial relationship with human parasitic organisms. Herbal phytoconstituents can help with healthy structural function interaction with microscopic organisms that may occupy the human GI Tract.


2 in stock (can be backordered)

All herbal traditions, past and present, have botanical formulas to help the body when unwanted, parasitic life forms become unwanted guests in the GI Tract and in the body tissues. Substances that help expel such unwanted visitors are called vermifuges. Some species have been found to provide benefits, and many are considered parasitic in nature. In these many traditions, there are strategies for helping the body’s normal immune relations with: 1) large species that can be seen with the unassisted eye (e.g. tapeworms), 2) small species that can be seen and that migrate around the body (roundworms), 3) microscopic species that attempt to infest the GI tract (protozoa), and 4) microscopic species that migrate into tissues via the blood (microfilaria). The herbal varieties employed often support the body’s normal immune processes to be vigilant, and often contain enzymes that encourage the body’s natural expulsion of bothersome species. They help cleanse the terrain that supports uninvited guests. Rather than a “stun and kill” approach, the bioenergetic properties of herbs support the body’s innate self-regulatory processes and the body’s innate priorities.

This product is the liquid extract of VRM3-Micro Capsules. Clinical Dose of valerian root, wild geranium and black walnut for symbiotic microbiome support.


• Microscopic organisms externally acquired, seeking residency in the intestinal tract, often causing dissettlement to normal activities
• Flatus/Bloating
• Support normal peristalsis

• Concentrated Extract: 3-5 drops, twice per day, for 40-60 days, or as directed
• Black Walnut – A very popular herb with a long history
of assisting the body with its normal self-protective
processes regarding many undesired influences.
Contains the compound, Juglone.
• Maracuja – Antioxidant; scavenges free radicals.
• Kamala – From the African and Austral-Asian, and
Ayurvedic herbal traditions. Historic applications
include support of normal intestinal functions and
normal bowel peristalsis, and for skin cleansing.
• Valerian Root – Valeriana officinalis. Contains acetic
acid, Vitamin C, beta-ionone, calcium, magnesium,
manganese, quercetin, and valeric acid. Cited by
Dioscorides, the famed Greek physician, for its
relaxation supportive presence.
• Wild Geranium – Geranium maculatum. Cranesbill.
From the Native American herbal tradition. Contains
tannins cited as soothing to the digestive tract and
supportive of normal digestive processes.
• Bistort – Bistorta officinalis. Knotweed or Snakeweed.
Possesses astringent qualities. Historic use to help
the intestinal microvilli and lining maintain normal
regulatory processes.
• Wormseed Oil – Chenopodium ambrosioides.
Botanical cited to help the body establish an
environment that is supportive of normal microbiome
• Pomegranate – Supports normal food metabolizing
enzyme production in the digestive tract. This makes
pomegranate juice an aid to help the body’s natural
maintenance processes of normal intestinal activities.
Pomegranate has thousands of years’ history as
supporting the body’s normal microbial relations in the
• Yerba Santa – Called the “holy herb,” has a long
history of helping the body maintain its normal, natural
superiority regarding bacterial and unwanted visitor
involvements with the human body.
• Bromelain – Protein-digesting (proteolytic) enzyme complex,
assists the body’s own digestive mechanisms in reducing very
large, complex protein molecules into smaller peptide units or
individual amino acids.
• Erva Tostão – An herb called punarnava in the Ayurvedic
tradition, most often used for liver support of innate purification
processes including immune-supportive activities.
Best not to use during pregnancy or when nursing.
• Traditional Micro Program works best when the following products are used together:
#493 VRM3 - Micro
#260 WO - China Healing Oil
#404 BINDGenic - Toxin Elimination
As a renowned parasitologist, Doc Wheelwright traveled the world seeking solutions for various externally acquired, uninvited guest organisms and their impact on normal health. After creating benchmark large and small solutions, clinicians prevailed on him to address microscopic species balance due to new infestations occurring in the USA from soldiers returning from the war in Vietnam. Doc’s research then yielded two formulas: VRM3 and
VRM4 as advancements on the subject of normal immunological relations with acquired species.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 3 in


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