VRM1 Capsules (Anti-parasitic Large)

This herbal combination formula supports the bodies’ normal and beneficial relationship with human parasitic organisms. Herbal phytoconstituents can help with healthy structural function interaction with large multicellular organisms that may occupy the human GI Tract.


4 in stock (can be backordered)

Clinical Dose of wormseed oil and black walnut leaves in an herbal support blend of garlic, pau d’arco, rose hips, zapilopatle beans, jalapa and more.

30 capsules

Also available as the liquid extract, CXVRM1 – LARGE.

• 1-3 capsules at bedtime for 4-6 cycles of 15 days each (e.g. 10 days on, 5 days off), or as directed.

• Traditional Large Program works best when the following are used together:
#491 VRM1 - Large
#260 WO - China Healing Oil
#404 BINDGenic - Toxin Elimination

• Supports the normal immune system and G.I. terrain maintenance activities regarding relations with externally acquired large parasitic organisms.

• Pau D’Arco Bark – Famous in the Brazilian herbal
tradition for helping the body’s normal mycobiome
relations as well as microbiome, virome and some
acquired larger uninvited organisms.
• Black Walnut – A very popular herb with a long history
of assisting the body with its normal self-protective
processes regarding many undesired influences.
Contains the compound, Juglone.
• Rose Hips – Supportive of the digestive and intestinal
tissues, and renowned for its antioxidant properties,
Vitamin C supports the body’s immune system.
• Garlic Root – A broad spectrum supporter of normal
immune relations with microbes and parasitic
• Hops – Contains “bitter qualities” considered useful in
discouraging acquisition of unwanted organisms. Cited
for stunning impact.
• Valerian Root – Supports normal relaxation of
digestive muscles. Sedative qualities are reputed to
affect parasitic organisms.
• Bromelain – Protein-digesting (proteolytic)
enzyme complex, assists the body’s own digestive
mechanisms in reducing very large, complex protein
molecules into smaller peptide units or individual
amino acids.
• Wormseed Oil – Chenopodium ambrosioides.
Botanical cited to help the body establish an
environment that is inhospitable to harmful, invading
• Zapilopatle Bean – A bean from Baja California with
a traditional history of supporting the body’s self-regulatory processes.
• Jalapa – A Mexican and South American herb used in
native herbal traditions.

Generally none. Best avoided during pregnancy.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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